BH Solutions® – Customized workforce & talent solutions

Enterprise-wide talent solutions and workforce and management services working for you.

Enterprise-wide talent solutions and workforce management services

See how our human capital solutions, whether alone or integrated, can benefit your business.

Managed Services Provider (MSP) & workforce consulting

Far beyond traditional supply chain management, our experience-focused dedicated program team fully integrates with your business to ensure the highest level of service, support and results. Our team acts as a coordinating point of contact for all hiring managers, suppliers, and contractors, maximizing efficiencies while controlling costs, reducing risk, and ensuring a robust talent pipeline to meet all your human capital and workforce management needs. Additionally, as a platform-neutral partner, we collaborate with the leading VMS providers on the market, providing world-class VMS systems to give you real-time data and analytics and support your program from requisition to payment.

Integrated Talent Solutions

When separate programs lose efficiency, our integrated solutions bring together contingent workers, full-time workforce, independent contractors (IC/1099), consultants, SOW services, freelancers, and payrolled workers. This flexible, modular, and customized approach addresses talent supply chain needs across your organization. By capturing all talent strategies in a single, cohesive view, companies can use the latest technology advancements, analytics, and market intelligence to flex and adapt—ahead of the market curve.

Direct Sourcing

Direct sourcing has become a growing contingent talent strategy as organizations look for new ways to drive cost savings while increasing efficiency, perfecting culture fit, and enhancing talent optimization. We provide you with a dedicated recruiting team that sources workers and builds internal talent pools using your employer brand. This internal candidate pool can be made up of directly recruited candidates, former employees, retirees, or new applicants within your own applicant tracking system (ATS). We manage the entire process from engagement to onboarding, payment, and offboarding. By directly identifying and acquiring contingent resources, you receive a host of benefits including greater cost savings and quicker access to talent. Our team has vast experience customizing and deploying branded direct sourcing strategies as a complement to our robust MSP programs.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

Clients engage Beacon Hill’s RPO services when they do not have, or do not want to maintain full-time resources for internal employee recruiting. While the category of RPO services comprises several primary, well-defined solutions, Beacon Hill considers our offerings to be 100% hybrid, as no single solution is out-of-the-box, and the majority of organizations will leverage a combination of service features in order to achieve their goals. Services may be dedicated on-site at your office, virtual, or shared for scalability purposes. By combining the foundations of your best HR practices with the white-glove recruitment expertise of Beacon Hill, our RPO solutions result not only in synergies but in an elevated hiring experience for managers and candidates alike.

Services procurement & SOW management

For companies who see their flexible labor usage growing throughout a decentralized organization, Services Procurement and SOW Management provides a true sense of cost and ROI, covering all Independent Contractors (IC), Consultants, Professional Services, and Payrolling. Because this specialized labor category is often complex, dynamic, and difficult for companies to control, our clients rely on Beacon Hill Solutions to serve as their MSP for both contingent and SOW management in order to consolidate spending, drive cost savings, and provide visibility across their entire organization.

Technology Advisory Services

Our Solution Architects and Technology experts are experienced in customizing, designing, and implementing today’s leading HR technologies and Vendor Management Systems (VMS). Wondering how to unlock the power of AI and Machine Learning to drive greater efficiency and better candidate and hiring manager experience? We can help! Our platform-neutral approach allows us to consult with our client partners to bring the right technology combination to meet current and future needs. If you are looking to integrate with current systems, customize a technology or build custom integrations, our team of experts can help guide and consult with you through every step of the process.

What will you gain?

Our coordinated HR solutions are characterized by unparalleled service, a commitment to program success, and a passion for innovation, creativity, and continuous improvement.

Industry-leading experts

Consultative, high-touch approach

Tailored solutions built around your unique needs

Culturally-aligned delivery with a focus on continuous improvement

Beacon Hill showed us that they value what we do and they were willing to adapt to our business needs, operational challenges and help to create a program for us to manage our contingent workforce that is tailored to our growing business. The time they took to understand 'who we were' instead of pushing products or features gave us the comfort that they are willing to put us first and that they are willing to grow with us to achieve our business objectives.
Senior Director, Talent Acquisition

Tailored solutions - just the right size for your company

    Our clients span size and industries which include Pharma/Biotech, Government, Education, Legal, Technology, Consumer Goods, Media, Professional Services and Financial.

    Our tailored solutions help small to mid-market companies and beyond. Whether your extended workforce or HR services budget is $5M or $50M+, our custom solutions are designed specifically for you and are built on a backbone of scalability.

    We are experts in delivering first-generation MSPs to emerging growth companies. Our consultative high-touch approach with a robust change management program ensures success from day one.

Whether you need a comprehensive MSP for contingent labor, to outsource your recruitment process, or to manage complex services procurement, our specialized and distinct service offerings can operate independently or in combination as an integrated talent solution.

Meet just a few of our experts

Meet Our Nationwide Leadership Team

Our commitment to clients is to provide a level of service and support that is unmatched in our industry, while consistently delivering, innovating, and adapting as our clients change and evolve.

We founded Beacon Hill Solutions to deliver experience-focused workforce solutions that create synergies with today's abundance of HR technologies and changing workforce compositions. Whether separate to focus on one specific area or in tandem to create an Integrated Talent Solution, Beacon Hill Solutions commits to working with emerging-growth, mid-size, and Fortune 500 organizations to streamline your human capital needs.

Let us put our 20+ years of experience to work for you!

This year would not have been possible without your team on-board! We appreciate all your support and look forward to continuing this incredible partnership!
Beacon Hill Solutions Client

Reach your full potential

Let our team show you how you can innovate and create an extended workforce that works.In today'shighly competitive talent marketplace—where remote working opportunities, extreme market conditions, and evolving customer needs—combine to demand that you be adaptable in order to succeed.

  • Faster access to talent

    More efficient and increased access to talent across your entire enterprise-a proven and modern approach to supplier optimization and recruitment

  • Make data-driven decisions

    Program-wide visibility from leading, custom designed technology and cutting edge market intelligence—through the lens of our experts

  • Protect yourself from risks

    Implement safeguards to reduce risk and ensure compliance

  • Control costs

    Our custom-designed savings tool and transparent pricing models makes sure your budget is used efficiently and effectively

  • Meet your diversity goals

    Inclusive and diverse workplace cultures build stronger companies-let our experts help you meet your goals

  • Represent the best of your brand

    Bring consistency to your external and internal workforce experience and protect your employer brand-utilize your brand to better drive talent company wide

  • A people-first approach

    Technology powers our programs but does not replace our high-touch, white glove approach. Our dedicated teams ensure program wide success and adoption across all key stakeholders, talent, suppliers and hiring managers.

Case study

Learn how this client who was losing contractors before they started was still able to support its exponential growth by partnering with Beacon Hill Solutions. Two dedicated on-site team members established relationships with talent, suppliers, and client stakeholders on day one of the program.

Real results from our workforce management solutions.

See All Beacon Hill Solutions Case Studies

Our solutions architects provide functional expertise and a range of perspectives to solve your unique needs.

Talk to a Solutions Architect Today

Division insights

  • MSP and VMS: Self-managed or expertly supported?

  • Supporting positive workforce outcomes for midsize companies

  • How the Right MSP/VMS Program Can Increase the Efficiency of Your Business Operations

Let us put our experience to work for you. Reach out for a consultation.

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