BBJ’s 2011 “Book of Lists” Notes Beacon Hill in 3 Categories

February 1st, 2011

Beacon Hill was noted in the Boston Business Journal’s recently-published “Book of Lists” — a 2011 look at “the who’s who in Boston business.” As explained in the publication’s preface, “The book is a goldmine of company names, people, and timely and insightful financial information about the many sectors and subsectors in Boston.” It goes on to note that for 2011, “The book supports the argument that small and midsize businesses are the true foundation of our economy. Large companies are vital, no question, but we don’t live by them alone.”

Point and case, Beacon Hill was recognized under three categories: “Area’s Fastest-Growing Private Cos.,” “Area’s Largest Executive Search Firms” and “Area’s Largest Temporary Placement Firms.”

In the category of “Area’s Fastest-Growing Private Cos.” — which ranked companies by revenue growth from 2006-2009 — Beacon Hill came in at number 46 with an impressive 24.1% growth.

In the category of “Area’s Largest Executive Search Firms” — which ranked firms by Massachusetts executive search revenue — Beacon Hill placed 8th out of 25 area businesses.

Lastly, in the category of “Area’s Largest Temporary Placement Firms” — which ranked companies by average contractors supplied daily — Beacon Hill appeared as number 12 on the list.

“As a Boston-based company, we take great pride in being included in the BBJ’s “Book of Lists,” remarked Andrew Wang, CEO. “Ranking in three categories is especially rewarding.”

For several, consecutive years, Beacon Hill has been recognized as a “who’s who in Boston business” by the BBJ.