Beacon Hill Arrives in Seattle, Launches Financial Division

June 11th, 2015

Beacon Hill opened its 39th location this month, laying down roots in Seattle, Washington. The new office opens with Beacon Hill Financial, Beacon Hill’s financial staffing division. It is the first division to officially lay down roots in Seattle. With these newest additions, Beacon Hill Financial is now present in eleven locations across the country – Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Nashville, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. – Metro Area, Charlotte, St. Louis and now Seattle.

Leading BH Financial in the Seattle marketplace is Rikki Denniston. With extensive experience in the accounting and finance staffing sectors, she is responsible for overseeing all offerings and delivery models in the market, including but not limited to executive search, direct hire, and contract placement. Prior to joining Beacon Hill, Denniston was a branch manager for one of the nation’s top-producing offices within a global accounting and finance staffing firm. She attended the University of South Florida as an accounting major and worked as an accountant professionally before transitioning to the staffing industry.

“Our West Coast clients have been asking for staffing and search support in the financial sector,” stated Andrew Wang, CEO. “We are very excited to announce the launch of Beacon Hill Financial in Seattle.”

Beacon Hill Financial offers diverse specialty areas and focuses on the placement of financial professionals at all levels across all industries. From start-ups to emerging growth companies to large publicly-traded conglomerates, Beacon Hill Financial utilizes contingency and retained search, along with a talented contract workforce, to service this broad and complex sector of the marketplace.

Beacon Hill’s niche brands provide direct hire, executive search, contract staffing, contract consulting and contract-to-hire solutions to emerging growth companies and the Fortune 500 across multiple market sectors and all industries. Over time, office locations, specialty practice areas and service offerings will be added to address ever changing constituent needs.