How to get constructive feedback from employees

Gathering employee feedback is an essential task for businesses that want to improve morale and productivity.

A company is only as capable as its most disgruntled employee. It's a fact of life that if workers aren't engaged in their jobs, the company won't be able to grow and expand at a steady pace.

This is the reason that gathering employee feedback is essential for businesses across all sectors. And while a company-wide survey is a good place to start, there are other more effective ways to gather constructive input from workers.

"Vague feedback isn't actionable."

Ask for feedback on a project-by-project basis
If you ask employees to give feedback just once a year, chances are that they'll have a lot to say. After all, there have probably been numerous situations - both good and bad - that they'll want to discuss. However, this method may result in a lot of vague, outdated input. Data like this is hard to make actionable.

A better approach might be to ask for feedback on a regular basis. Put together a post-project reaction questionnaire. This way, managers can gather feedback on day-to-day operations and make the necessary changes sooner rather than later.

Facilitate low-pressure environments
Employees may feel put on the spot if a manager calls them into a conference room to ask for feedback. In this type of situation, many workers will be caught off guard and automatically assume they have done something wrong or are being tested.

It's often more effective to ask for employee input in low-key environments. Organize team gatherings, whether it's lunch or fun outing, and encourage managers to talk to their charges in the relaxed environment. Workers are more apt to open up and give honest feedback when they feel comfortable.

Create a comfortable environment so employees are at ease.

Follow up when you receive input
What managers do with employee feedback is just as important as how they collect it. If workers give valuable insight only to have it ignored, they may not be willing to provide feedback next time.

For this reason, managers should be sure to follow up with employees who provide constructive input. Even if the company can't make the suggested change immediately, it's worthwhile to acknowledge the issue and explain how the problem will be addressed. This small measure will assure employees that their input is valued and being considered. It can go a long way toward improving company morale and worker satisfaction.

This content brought to you by the Marketing Team at Beacon Hill Staffing Group.

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