How to love your job search, even when you hate it

Here's a tough pill to swallow – a job search can take a long time and be overwhelming. At times ... you might even hate it.

Here's a tough pill to swallow – a job search can take a long time and be overwhelming. At times ... you might even hate it. But it doesn't have to be that way!

Take a deep breath.

Are you feeling a bit better?

Good! Let's talk about ways to make job searching less ... awful.

Make it manageable

Developing a job search routine that is feasible for you is important. To do this, start with goal setting.

For example, you can decide:

  • What time of day you want to start your job search routine
  • How many jobs you want to apply for per day
  • How often you plan to attend networking events
  • How many hours you will work on upskilling

After you make those decisions, you can build a schedule around informed goals.

Smart for: Every kind of job seeker! Planning a job search routine that fits your life's demands is key to making it sustainable.


A job search can be conducted just like an interval training circuit! You can do different activities in assorted time blocks at varying levels of intensity based on what works for you.

Perhaps your day could look like this:

  • Morning: Conduct any relevant follow-up communications and begin researching ideal companies and roles to create an apply-to list.
  • Mid-morning: Take a quick walk to reinvigorate your senses.
  • Afternoon: Have lunch while watching some tutorial videos to help you boost your skills.
  • Late afternoon: Apply to newly found roles.
  • Evening: Make a checklist for tomorrow and go do something fun to keep your spirits up.

If you're busy day-to-day, such as working full time, you can also create a smaller routine that fits into your schedule.

A job-seeking schedule that includes breaks like the example above can get you better results and help you maintain your mental health.

Good for: People who are currently employed with limited time pockets to search.

Great for: People who are unemployed or underemployed that need more structure.

Document your efforts

As your job search extends, it might feel like you're putting in a lot of work with no proof to back it up. The solution is simple!

Create a system that makes it obvious where you've applied to and use it for all of the following reasons:

  • To make yourself feel better, knowing you're putting in the work.
  • To check if you've already applied to a similar position and could reuse or update existing assets to speed up your next application.
  • To identify successful patterns and capitalize on them.
  • To look for weak points in your process and improve from there.
  • If you're unemployed, to make filing your weekly claim easier.

Perfect for:
People who like to make lists to show how productive they've been.

Ideal for: Those who enjoy systems-based thinking.

Focus on your goals

What you want matters. Spend less time applying wildly and more time intentionally researching and applying to the companies and jobs you really want.

Right for: People who want to think long-term about their careers.

Take care of yourself

Along with breaks, we recommend you use your extra time to get into healthy eating and exercise regimens that will help boost your mood and be more economical. For example, learning to enjoy cooking or eating at home can save you a lot of money!

Amazing for: Unemployed individuals who are craving more purpose.

Harder for: Professionals who are currently working due to time constraints (but it's not impossible!)

Do your research

If your applications haven't been getting a lot of attention, spend time:

  • Interviewing people in the industry or who are currently in the role you want.
  • Finding a mentor who can help improve your efficacy.
  • Reviewing online jobs for commonalities in skills and then upskilling to match them.
  • Asking for feedback from companies or hiring managers who selected another candidate in a previous search.

Wonderful for:
Every. Single. Person! Anyone looking for a job should do their research on multiple fronts.

Learn something new

In tandem with our last point, now is the time to improve yourself. Learning can be fun!

The best way to do this is to find a skill that would be valuable to your ideal employer but is also of interest to you.

Marvelous for: Literally anyone who wants to advance in any way. Learning is ongoing and is never a waste of time.

Participate in communities

There are so many career benefits to networking at in-person meet-ups and interacting in online communities on platforms like LinkedIn. In fact, Forbes dedicated an entire article as to why it's essential to your career.

You never know where a simple interaction can lead, so get connected.

Incredible for: Everyone! Networking in a non-spammy way is essentially making friends, and who doesn't want more of those? Sometimes those friends may result in referrals and job offers, but don't focus on that. Think people first, results second.

Find a job search buddy

Having an exercise partner can be an excellent motivator ... have you considered tapping one of your friends to be your job search buddy?

You can buoy each other, practice interviewing, review each other's application materials, discuss difficulties and help find new solutions that you may not have thought of before!

Motivating for: People who do better in pairs, unemployed or employed.

If you're still feeling lost, listless or are just strongly disliking your job search process, maybe you need a partner. Someone who knows your target industry, has existing contacts and is ready to be your cheerleader.

If that sounds like something you'd like, apply for an open role through Beacon Hill. If you're a match for one of our positions, you'll be paired with a recruiter who will get to know you and your goals and will actively champion you to employers.


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