Self-care during the job search process

Self-care is always important. During a potentially stressful time like a job search, investing in self-care is even more vital than usual.

As the process that leads you to the next step in your career path, a job search is especially important. Unfortunately, it can also serve as a source of stress. The nature of this effort - with so many applications to fill out, resumes to tailor, interviews to participate in and results to wait for - can lead to anxiety and other negative outcomes. However, with a little attention and insight, you can address these feelings and stay positive throughout your search.

To put your best foot forward when first interacting with potential new employers and to simply keep yourself calm and well-rested, some self-care during the job search process is vital. Consider these tips to help keep yourself sane during your job search.

A happy woman looking at job listings on her computer.

Treat your job search like a job: Be sure to take breaks

Looking for a new job while employed means setting aside additional time to look for opportunities and seek them out. If you're not currently in a position, a job search can easily be a full-time effort. Either way, you need to set some limits and reward yourself for the significant amount of time and careful thought that goes into each pursuit.

Business2Community suggested setting a few limits, such as a cutoff point each evening when you no longer check your email. While the idea of a reply or an offer is undeniably exciting, constantly checking for a response leaves you without any time to relax and recharge. During a full-time job search, you may also want to set aside a designated time for lunch and a few other breaks as well. Letting yourself relax and recharge means you don't overextend yourself and can continually put your best foot forward.

Get feedback from the people you trust

A job search is largely a one-person operation, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for help and feedback from trusted friends, family and colleagues when appropriate. You may want to bring in a friend with a writing or HR background to look over your resume, or ask a mentor to help you work through a mock interview, as Forbes suggested. A little help from those who care about you goes beyond directly helping the job search process, too. It's a powerful reminder that people care about you and want you to succeed. When these people go through their own job searches, you can return the favor by volunteering to fill a similar role.

Keep taking care of yourself

Think about what your self-care routines are now, from going to the gym to breathing exercises, meditation or even taking a warm bath after a stressful day. Don't leave these calming, positive processes by the wayside. Instead, make sure to engage in them about as frequently as you did before you started your job search.

"Try scheduling a yoga class online or simply adding that early-morning walk to your calendar, and think of it as an appointment with yourself," says Cristina Ethridge, Strategic Sales Support Manager at Beacon Hill. "Something as simple as seeing that commitment written down can encourage you to follow through on your self-care plans. And when you feel good mentally and physically, it will shine through in your interviews."

A great way to reduce stress during a job search is to work with a professional recruiter from Beacon Hill Staffing Group who can help connect you with relevant, meaningful job opportunities. To learn more, get in touch with us today.

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