The power of Beacon Hill: the way to improve your job search

You can get support from a wider network than your own and boost your efficacy with Beacon Hill.

A job search can be exhausting. Unfortunately, it's one of those "necessary" things that virtually everyone has to participate in at least once in a while. However, job searching doesn't have to be an individual activity. You can get support from a wider network than your own and boost your efficacy.

How? By trusting a Beacon Hill recruiter!

What a typical job search entails

A standard job search involves quite a few things ...

  • Company research - Researching the companies you want to join helps you be informed, and therefore more successful.
  • Cover letters - Whether it's a template that you update or tailored letters for target jobs, there's a lot of writing involved in a search.
  • Profile updates - LinkedIn is a place engaged employers will turn if they are considering you, so keeping it updated is essential.
  • Resume updates - Like your LinkedIn profile, keeping your resume ready to go is a key element of any smart job search.
  • Keeping references informed - Blindsiding your references is a major faux pas, so there is some communication needed during your hunt.
  • Interviews (and prep for them!) - Practice makes perfect!
  • Networking - Leveraging and increasing the size of your network is extremely important. Referrals are a top way to get hired!
  • Thank you/follow-ups - If your interviews go well, it's vital to follow through with an appropriate note of thanks.

In June 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that the average job search took 20.7 weeks (or a little over five months). That's a long time to be out of work, so speeding that metric up in any way possible is beneficial.

Enter, Beacon Hill.

Beacon Hill by the numbers

Choosing to utilize a Beacon Hill recruiter in your job search is like getting supercharged. They have larger networks and can therefore offer you an easier path to success.

In 2022:

  • 6/10 clients filled more than one position with Beacon Hill.
  • 590 candidates were matched with open jobs every day.

Also, Beacon Hill has nearly 900 recruiting experts who are trusted by 13,000+ companies! That's a veritable sea of career possibilities! Much better than a local pond ...

Think of it this way ... Indeed recommends that you apply to two or three jobs per day, totaling 10-15 each week if you want to maximize your chances of getting attention from employers. Along with other job-seeking activities, that's quite a lot to do on your own.

Beacon Hill's recruiters can use their networks to submit your credentials to many more companies because they already have relationships to leverage.

Industries we serve

Beacon Hill has expert recruiters in many areas to help you find your dream job. They work in all of the following industries:

"Our job is to find the best candidates who aren’t actively looking, connect with hiring managers at companies we can't cold call, and create a career-long network to lean on when there is a 'hard to find' profile for a job or a job in a location where we don’t see a ton of volume. That's how we help both candidates and companies find their matches," – Kelsey Calahan, Senior Managing Consultant at Beacon Hill.

How to make the most out of your relationship

If you're wondering what kind of help our recruiters can provide, here are few areas they assist with:

Goal planning

Targeting the correct role can be difficult. That's why our recruiters go over job responsibilities and specific skills needed for roles, employment types, salary, any information they deem relevant about a specific project and more, all during your initial meeting.

Interview prep

Whether your resume needs a tune-up or you'd like some help prepping with mock interviews or career coaching, our recruiters will be there to assist you.


Our recruiters know how to showcase you at your best. They will only present your resume to clients with open roles that match your profile. They will also share insights about the companies with you and debrief after your interviews.

They're in a relationship with you for the long-term and they take pride in that.

Beacon Hill recruiters are ...


Always available

Whether you're looking for updates, you have questions or you're just hoping to chat, your recruiter will be there.

Ready to assist in negotiations

Discussing salaries can be stressful. Your recruiter can handle the negotiations for you!

Uniquely yours

Think of your recruiter as your personal matchmaker, your advocate, your cheerleader and your coach. They're there to support you!


Starting your job search with help from Beacon Hill is simple. Apply for a role here and if it's a good fit, a recruiter will reach out!

Want to take another step while you wait? Sign up for our Job Seeker Newsletter.

Here's to you and here's to your next role. We're here for you whenever you're ready to get started.

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