The technology industry at a glance

The technology sector provides a bundle of opportunities for job seekers of various levels of qualification. Some of the more lucrative contracts available are in this industry, and most startups nowadays tend to have some sort of technological component.

If you're looking for a new job, consider finding employment in the sector that is quickly revolutionizing the way people accomplish routine tasks:

Don't travel far
Some of the best technology opportunities are in America. The U.S. accounts for nearly 30 percent of the global technology market or, $1 trillion worth, Comptia reported.

There's potential
The global market for cybersecurity totaled $75 billion in 2015, according to Forbes. The market is, in a sense, uncertain moving forward because of how young it is, but economists project it to top $170 billion by 2020. Many of the most well-known companies in the world are currently hackers to act as the first defense against attacks.

Freelance on the side
More companies are now developing contests asking freelance coders and hackers to find back-doors and other issues with their apps or websites rewarding them handsomely if they find and report a major flaw in the system. Google has offered as much as $3.5 million in the past for these services.

Virtual reality taking industry by storm
Virtual reality will have a major impact on retail, architecture and product design moving forward. The Consumer Electronics Show saw a 68 percent bump in gaming and virtual reality exhibitors in 2016, MarketWatch reported.

Non-stop growth
Forty-six states experienced growth in technology employment, according to Comptia. Nearly 6.7 million people hold technology-based jobs. Despite millions of people already employed, the industry will rely on fresh talent to keep innovation moving over the next few decades.

Compensated well
The average wage for a U.S. technology industry worker is a healthy $105,400 - roughly double the average private sector employee's wage of $51,600, according to Comptia.

Potential is limitless in the technology industry, which has yet to realize its boundaries.