Top 5 myths about working with a staffing agency

Read on to learn the truth behind the five most common recruiting myths.

Staffing agencies can seem opaque from the outside, and there are many misconceptions about them online. Read on to learn the truth behind the five most common recruiting myths:

1. It costs money to work with a staffing firm

Staffing agencies do not charge individuals for placement. In fact, employers compensate staffing firms for finding highly qualified candidates. Because the hiring process can be long and requires substantial resources, employers pay staffing firms to do the heavy lifting. This support saves employers time and talent, so they can focus those resources on growing the company.

Recruiters work with job seekers to match skills and experience to open positions. In addition to these services, recruiters may also help candidates prepare for interviews. In the long run, these practices benefit everyone. Job seekers can find placement more quickly, and employers get expertly vetted candidates.

2. Agencies hire for only contract positions

According to the American Staffing Association, staffing firms hire nearly 15 million contract employees each year. Of that number, 76 percent work full-time. Further, 35 percent of individuals hired by a staffing agency are offered a permanent position by a client.

Simply put, staffing agencies hire for all kinds of positions. And while the majority of positions staffed by agencies are contracts, it is important to not be discouraged by potentially taking on a short-term position. Oftentimes, benefits will be offered through an agency, so candidates concerned about health insurance and other employer-offered perks can rest assured that they will have coverage. Furthermore, completing contract assignments is far preferable to having long employment gaps on a resume. Job seekers should work with their recruiters to develop a strategy for finding the type of work they are most interested in.

Recruiters work hard to place candidates in satisfying positions.

3. Recruiters don't care about job satisfaction

This myth is popular because recruiting agencies receive compensation from employers. Proponents of this myth believe this situation reduces a recruiter's incentive to find satisfying work for job candidates. It is easy to assume that the majority of staffing agency relationships are transactional in nature. However, this assertion couldn't be further from the truth. Dissatisfied workers don't stay at a job for long, creating a poor relationship between the agency and the client, as well as the agency and the candidate.

Indeed, maintaining positive relationships between candidates and recruiters is paramount, as it improves the agency's reputation as well as encourages the candidate to continue engaging the agency. "One of my most brilliant accountants struggled with interviewing," recounts Katie Birkelo, Division Director of Beacon Hill's Financial Division In Denver. "I knew him well, so I was able to help him stay gainfully employed through various contract roles without having to interview. A few years later, one of my clients requested him back and landed him a perfect permanent role. He has been there for six years!"

Turnover is expensive. ERE Media reported that it costs between 30 and 50 percent of an entry-level employee's salary to replace him or her. To mitigate this financial risk, recruiters at reputable agencies make it a priority to find satisfying work for candidates. Simply put, satisfied workers are more likely to stay at a job, and thus fulfill the needs of the employer.

4. A staffing agency is the only resource job seekers need

A relationship with a professional recruiter can be a fantastic resource. Recruiters can serve as living and breathing representation of your resume. While you're busy, your recruiter is singing your praises to relevant employers.

However, it's important to note that job seekers should never rely on a single method of job search. You will generate many more opportunities by casting a wide net. In addition to working with a recruiter, job seekers should leverage their professional networks, apply to positions directly and use social media to learn about potential new opportunities.

5. Job seekers earn less when working with an agency

Actually, a staffing agency provides job seekers with additional negotiating power. Recruiters understand the job market better than most professionals. Not only are they accustomed to negotiating for better salaries, but also they have the industry knowledge necessary to make better deals.

If you're on the fence about working with a staffing agency, consider connecting with the expert recruiters at Beacon Hill. Our staff will walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

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