You've submitted your resume to a staffing agency - what's next?

Partnering with a staffing agency to further your career goals is an exciting opportunity.

Partnering with a staffing agency to further your career goals is an exciting opportunity. Here's what to expect when you work with a recruiter:

How a staffing agency benefits job seekers

When you work with a staffing agency as a job seeker, you gain a unique resource for your search. If you've been looking for a new position for any length of time, you likely understand how frustrating the process can be. Filling out dozens of applications only to hear nothing back from employers can be disheartening and stressful. Though a reputable recruiting agency cannot guarantee it will find employment for you, it can uncover many opportunities which are never posted in public arenas.

"The benefits of working with an agency include having the ability to be introduced to companies across many industries," says Kimberly Abhold, Division Manager of Beacon Hill's Associates Division in Chicago. "Our candidates get the opportunity to do contract work with the best-of-the-best and many times they can stay on permanently if they perform well. Our clients call us because they don't have the time to search through hundreds of resumes and they know that our recruiters are doing their due diligence to find the best candidates for the role."

After you speak with a recruiter and submit your resume, you may be required to answer screening questions, submit to a background check or fill out employment forms with the agency.

If you accept a contract position, you will perform work for one of the agency's clients, but you will be officially employed by the agency. Many agencies offer health benefits in addition to competitive compensation.

Generally, job seekers continue to look for positions on their own while the agency also looks for relevant opportunities. Again, a staffing agency is a resource you can leverage to learn about positions that aren't available on job boards. Essentially, this partnership gives job seekers options to speed up their search while remaining in complete control of the decision-making process in regard to the types of positions job seekers want to apply for.

Recruiters fill all kinds of positions, from entry-level to the C-suite.

What kind of positions agencies hire for

Staffing agencies hire for every kind of position under the sun. Some organizations may specialize in specific fields or industries, however. When speaking with a recruiter, it's a good idea to ask about the kinds of clients they work with most frequently and look for information about the types of positions they have recently filled.

Recruiting agencies can fill contract positions, contract-to-hire opportunities and direct hire situations. Contract-to-hire opportunities allow employers and candidates to work together over a specified period of time before making a decision about a permanent offer. In a direct hire situation, the agency acts solely as a recruiter, helping client organizations find the best talent for full-time openings.

How job seekers can help recruiters

If you choose to partner with a staffing agency on your job hunt, you need to remain an active participant to have the best chance of finding work. When you speak with your recruiter, try to be as clear as possible concerning the type of positions that interest you the most.

Bringing work samples, references and past job descriptions also helps your recruiter pitch you to clients. When the agency has a complete picture of you as a professional, it can match you with positions that meet your personal requirements.

To learn more about how a staffing agency can optimize your job search, contact the expert recruiters at Beacon Hill today.

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