5 tips for when you get a new boss

When you get a new boss, there are several steps you can take to make sure that the change positively affects your career.

The relationship you have with your current and future bosses will play a big role in your professional journey. According to a study conducted by Development Dimensions International (DDI), 57% of employees quit their job because of their manager.

Perhaps you've been in this situation before, working for someone who doesn't understand you, your goals and the value you provide. Maybe you have a great relationship with your boss right now, but they're leaving the firm soon, and an outside hire is taking over. What are the best ways to manage this transition? How can you make sure you don't end up in that pool of employees who switch jobs because of ill feelings toward their superiors?

"First of all, go to your new job with the confidence that your boss is excited to have you there!" says Keilly Cutler, Division Director of Beacon Hill's Associates Division in Austin. "Be a sponge, and listen to the praise that your manager gives other people on the team, so that you understand what s/he values. In the beginning, it's extra important to take all of your assigned tasks seriously – don't be afraid to ask questions, and give it your all. It's critical to let your new boss know that you are completely bought in."

Here are five additional tips to consider when welcoming a new boss:

The first step when getting a new boss is setting up a one-on-one meeting so that you can get to know each other.

1. Schedule a one-on-one meeting

If they don't invite you into their office to chat within the first couple of days, be proactive about getting a meeting scheduled. You need at least 30 minutes of distraction-free time to speak with them about who you are, your history with the company and your goals moving forward. It's also crucial to learn more about them, their work experience and the changes they plan on making.

2. Display your value

During the one-on-one meeting, don't be shy about sharing your accomplishments. Show them the metrics that prove you're an ideal employee. This could be your sales numbers, client retention rates, corporate awards, amount of projects completed in a given week, etc.

3. Be helpful

Don't forget that even though they are your boss, there's still a lot that they can learn from you. As an experienced employee, you have a better understanding of the company's culture, the day-to-day workflows of certain roles and departments, as well as which areas need the most improvement. They'll appreciate and remember your readiness to help them succeed in a new environment.

4. Ask questions

There's also a lot that you can learn from them. Showing interest in your new boss' style of working and the strategies they plan on applying will keep you informed and prepared for change. It will also remind them that you take your job seriously and that you're invested in the growth of the company. Some good questions to ask include: What made you want to take this job? Which changes would you like to see implemented first?

5. Embrace change

No two bosses are the same. So whenever a new manager enters the picture, change is bound to occur. Don't let this intimidate you. Rather, use it as an opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge. Adaptability is one of the most important traits an employee can possess. Being able to thrive in transitional periods like this will make you an attractive pick for future opportunities, like promotions to upper management. Connect with your new superior on a personal level, understand their vision and work hard to prove that you won't quit when times get hard.

Interested in learning more about handling a new boss? Professional recruiters at Beacon Hill Staffing Group are here to help!

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