Practical tips for engaging remote employees

Remote work has recently grown in popularity due to public health rules and operational concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. That's far from the only factor that has influenced the growth of telecommuting, however. As digital infrastructure continues to grow more advanced and powerful, an increasing number of workers across the modern economy can capably work from home.

Allowing employees to work from home can help companies save money when it comes to costs like office space. And it can give money and time back to employees as well, by either partially or wholly removing the commute.

Engagement and remote employees

This broadly popular benefit means employees are dispersed across many locations instead of concentrated in one or a few. Keeping staff engaged while working remotely requires a few unique considerations, such as encouraging collaboration among physically distanced staff. What is often a natural process in an office can require a little more attention when used in a remote setting.

Team projects, smaller collaborations between a few employees and meetings where staff feedback is solicited and discussed can help form bonds between coworkers. These connections can boost engagement by making staff feel like part of a greater whole, as opposed to a single, separated piece of the company.

There are plenty of other factors to take into account when developing a strategy for boosting engagement among telecommuting workers. Our infographic, "Practical tips for engaging remote employees," includes a variety of straightforward tips. See it here: